Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH541.15.M64 N37 2007 Environmental data management at NOAA : archiving, stewardship, and access / 1
QH541.15.M64 N377 2005 Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment / 1
QH541.15.M64 N377 2005eb Air, water and soil quality modelling for risk and impact assessment 1
QH541.15.M64.N38 2007eb Environmental Data Management at NOAA : Archiving, Stewardship, and Access. 1
QH541.15.M64 N38 2014 The Gulf Research Program : a strategic vision / 1
QH541.15.M64 N5 Tonopah Test Range, Nevada and Kauai Test Facility, Hawaii 1
QH541.15.M64 O33 2000 OECD/China seminar on environmental monitoring : Beijing, 12-14 April 1999 : proceedings. 1
QH541.15.M64 P47 Persistent chlorinated compounds and elements in tissues of Cook Inlet Beluga whales, Delphiapterus Leucas, banked by the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project 1
QH541.15.M64 R46 no.95-R006 Sediment load during flood events for Illinois streams 1
QH541.15.M64 R46 no.96-R001 Ichthyoplankton abundance and variance in a large river system concerns for long-term monitoring / 1
QH541.15.M64 S36 2001 Monitoring in coastal environments using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian indicators / 1
QH541.15.M64 S36 2001eb Monitoring in coastal environments using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian indicators / 2
QH541.15.M64 S42 Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project protocol for collecting and banking seabird eggs / 1
QH541.15.M64 S45 1980 Selected works on ecological monitoring of arid areas / 1
QH541.15.M64 S73 1991 Monitoring ecological change / 1
QH541.15.M64 S73 1999 State and pressures of the marine and coastal Mediterranean environment / 1
QH541.15.M64 S73 2005 Monitoring ecological change / 1
QH541.15.M64 S73 2005eb Monitoring ecological change / 1
QH541.15.M64 S86 2021i The policy uptake of citizen sensing 1
QH541.15.M64 S87 2014 The surveillance imperative : the rise of the geosciences during the Cold War / 1