Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH541.5.C65 C34 1997 C-CAP, Coastal Change Analysis Program changes in land cover in the Yakutat Bay, Alaska Region, 1986-1993. 1
QH541.5.C65 C48 2017 Citizen science for coastal and marine conservation / 1
QH541.5.C65 C52 1992 Integrated management of coastal zones / 1
QH541.5.C65 C5485 2014 Coastal conservation / 1
QH541.5.C65 C5485 2014eb Coastal conservation / 1
QH541.5.C65 C565 2021  
QH541.5.C65 C57 2012 How to Read a Florida Gulf Coast Beach : a Guide to Shadow Dunes, Ghost Forests, and Other Telltale Clues from an Ever-Changing Coast. 1
QH541.5.C65 C586 1995 Coastal and marine environmental management : proceedings of a workshop : Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 March 1995. 1
QH541.5.C65 C5914 2001 Coastal hypoxia : consequences for living resources and ecosystems /
Coastal hypoxia consequences for living resources and ecosystems /
QH541.5.C65 C5915 2005 Coastal lagoons : ecosystem processes and modeling for sustainable use and development / 2
QH541.5.C65 C5916 2004 Coastal-marine conservation : science and policy / 1
QH541.5.C65 C5919 2005 Coastal restoration : where have we been, where are we now, and where should we be going? / 1
QH541.5.C65 C592 1986 Coastal-offshore ecosystems interactions /
Coastal-offshore ecosystems interactions proceedings of a symposium /
QH541.5.C65 C8 Coastal services : linking people, resources and information. 1
QH541.5.C65 D66 2001 Coastal conservation and management : an ecological perspective / 1
QH541.5.C65 E24 2001 Ecological comparisons of sedimentary shores / 1
QH541.5.C65 E27 1986 The Ecology of rocky coasts : essays presented to J.R. Lewis / 2
QH541.5.C65 E27 1996 Ecological characterization of Otter Island, South Carolina a prototype / 1
QH541.5.C65 E28 1999 Ecosystems at the land-sea margin : drainage basin to coastal sea /
Ecosystems at the land-sea margin drainage basin to coastal sea /
QH541.5.C65 E53 2009 Enclosed experimental ecosystems and scale tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems / 1