Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH604.2 .S74 2015 Stem cell renewal and cell-cell communication : methods and protocols / 1
QH604.2 .S74 2021 Stem cell renewal and cell-cell communication : methods and protocols / 1
QH604.2 .S95 1974eb Cell patterning 1
QH604.2 QH604.2 .P75 2006 Principles of Cellular Engineering : Understanding the Biomolecular Interface. 1
QH604.3 Cell polarity and morphogenesis / 1
QH604.3 .C44 2018eb Cell polarity in development and disease / 1
QH604.3 .C45 2015eb Cell polarity. 2
QH604.3 .C45 2022 Cell polarity signaling : methods and protocols / 1
QH604.3 .M52 1988 Microcompartmentation / 1
QH604.3 P42 20012eb Planar cell polarity during development / 1
QH604.3 .P53 2005 Planar cell polarization during development / 1
QH604.3 .P53 2012 Planar cell polarity methods and protocols / 1
QH604.3 .P55 2005eb Planar cell polarization during development / 1
QH604.3 .P653 2016eb Polarity index in proteins-a bioinformatics tool. 1
QH604.5 .I58 1992 Intracellular regulation of ion channels / 2
QH604.5 .I66 Ion channels. 1
QH604.5 .L38 1991 Electrogenic ion pumps / 1
QH604.5 .P85 2005 Pumps, transporters, and ion channels : studies on their structure, function, and cell biology / 2
QH604.5 .T33 1987 Structure, mechanism and regulation of ionic channels : [abstracts of papers presented at Table Ronde Roussel Uclaf held in] Paris, March 26-27, 1987 / 1