Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QH71.V6 A28 no. 44 | The reptiles of British Columbia / | 1 |
QH71.V6 A28 no. 45 QL654 | The amphibians of British Columbia / | 1 |
QH72 .H608 | A catalogue of plants contained in the botanic garden at Elgin in the vicinity of New York, established in 1801. | 1 |
QH75 |
Participatory biodiversity conservation concepts, experiences, and perspectives / In Search Of Biohappiness : Biodiversity And Food, Health And Livelihood Security. Key topics in conservation biology 2 / Biodiversity. Ecological Bulletins, Targets and Tools for the Maintenance of Forest Biodiversity. What works in conservation. From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity Conceptual and Practical Challenges. Ecosystem and territorial resilience a geoprospective approach / Landschaft und Vegetation : Reflexionen zu Erkenntnistheorie, Herstellung und Interpretation / Biosphere reserves and sustainable development goals. Restoring neighborhood streams : planning, design, and construction / Mapping wilderness : concepts, techniques and applications / Critical theory and the anthropology of heritage landscapes / Emergent ecologies / Ecosystem conservation and management models and application / Understanding complex ecosystem dynamics : a systems and engineering perspective / Vital signs 2003-2004 the trends that are shaping our future / Collected papers of Michael E. Soulé : early years in modern conservation biology / Conservation biology and applied zooarchaeology / Ecosystem sustainability and global change / Conservation technology / Landscape perspectives : the holistic nature of landscape / Ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to sustainable management of aquatic resources / Ecosystem assessment and fuzzy systems management / Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation : exploring the evidence for a link / Novel ecosystems intervening in the new ecological world order / Effective conservation science : data not dogma / Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving biodiversity : a worldwide review / Biodiversity islands : strategies for conservation in human-dominated environments / Conservation and the genomics of populations / Ecosystems of resilience practices contributions for sustainability and climate change adaptation / Challenges in the conservation of biological resources : a practitioner's guide / UNESCO biosphere reserves : supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society / Paradise lost? : the ecological economics of biodiversity / High mountain conservation in a changing world / Ecosystem sustainability and health : a practical approach / Conservation of saline wetland ecosystems : an initiative towards UN Decade of Ecological Restoration / Managing protected areas in Central and Eastern Europe under climate change / The conservation of ecosystems and species / Wildlife : destruction, conservation and biodiversity / Extinction governance, finance and accounting : implementing a species protection action plan for the financial markets / Imperiled : the encyclopedia of conservation / Underwater seascapes : from geographical to ecological perspectives / Ecosystem services : types, management and benefits / Wetlands and water framework directive : protection, management and climate change / Handbook of human and planetary health Biodiversity conservation and environmental change : using palaeoecology to manage dynamic landscapes in the Anthropocene / Démanteler les barrages pour restaurer les cours d'eau : Controverses et représentations / Biodiversity and conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula / Biodiversity conservation and phylogenetic systematics : preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis / Creating and restoring wetlands : from theory to practice / Rebuilding the Earth : regenerating our planet's life support systems for a sustainable future / Landscape modelling and decision support Reconciling human needs and conserving biodiversity : large landscapes as a new conservation paradigm : The Lake Tumba, Democratic Republic of Congo / Biodiversity offsets between regulation and voluntary commitment a typology of approaches towards environmental compensation and no net loss of biodiversity / Biophilie : die angeborene Liebe zur Natur / Corporate biodiversity management for sustainable growth : assessment of policies and action plans / Relationship between microbes and the environment for sustainable ecosystem services. Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography. Novel ecosystems : intervening in the new ecological world order / Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat, adopted at Ramsar, Iran, 2 February 1971 and opened for signature at Paris, 12 July 1972. Conservation and the genetics of populations / Pluralism in ecosystem governance / CONFLICT-SENSITIVE CONSERVATION lessons from the global environment facility. What works in conservation 2020 / Resilience in complex socio-ecological systems / Conservation of tropical coral reefs a review of financial and strategic solutions / Placemaking and cultural landscapes / Landscape agronomy : advances and challenges of a territorial approach to agricultural issues / Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation exploring the evidence for a link / Biodiversity and conservation of woody plants / Model ecosystems in extreme environments Perspectives on Ecological Integrity / Why Preserve Natural Variety? |
87 |
QH75-77 |
Contesting conservation : shahtoosh trade and forest management in Jammu and Kashmir, India / Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity : Plants and Animals / The Exploitation of Mammal Populations / Conservation of Faunal Diversity in Forested Landscapes / Coastal Conservation And Management : an Ecological Perspective / Tibet Wild : a Naturalist's Journeys on the Roof of the World / Climate change in wildlands : pioneering approaches to science and management / Conservation and the Use of Wildlife Resources / Exploring studbooks for wildlife management and conservation / Energy Demand and Efficient Use / Biotic Homogenization / Implementing Ecological Integrity : Restoring Regional and Global Environmental and Human Health / Wildlife 2001: Populations / Environmental Concerns : an Inter-disciplinary Exercise / Tropical Rain Forest: A Wider Perspective / Conservation Biology : For the Coming Decade / Ecologists and Ethical Judgements / |
17 |
QH75.A1 |
Earthcare : global protection of natural areas : proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial Wilderness Conference / Ecological integrity and the management of ecosystems / Integrated protected area management / Diversity & distributions Conservation genetics resources Wetlands Landscape and ecological engineering Sustainability: science, practice, & policy Journal of threatened taxa Conservation science and practice Living reviews in landscape research LRLR. Animal conservation Conservation letters Conservation evidence |
14 |
QH75.A1 A55 | Animal conservation. | 1 |
QH75.A1 A93 2002 | Awareness of the landscape : from perception to protection : proceedings : La Granja, Segovia, Spain, 6-7 April 2000 = Sensibilisation au paysage : de la perception à la protection : actes : La Granja, Ségovie, Espagne, 6-7 avril 2000. | 1 |
QH75.A1 B524 1996 | Biodiversity in managed landscapes : theory and practice / | 1 |
QH75.A1 B53 |
Diversity & distributions. Biodiversity letters. Biodiversity letters |
3 |
QH75.A1 B544 2010 | Biodiversity Indicators and the 2010 Biodiversity Target : outputs, experiences and lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership. | 1 |
QH75.A1 B544 2010eb | Biodiversity indicators and the 2010 biodiversity target outputs, experiences and lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership. | 1 |
QH75.A1 B56 | Biodiversity and conservation. | 1 |
QH75.A1 B57 |
Diversity & distributions. Biodiversity letters. |
2 |
QH75.A1 B62 1996 | Biodiversity, science and development : towards a new partnership / | 1 |
QH75.A1 B75 1983 | Ecology and design in landscape : the 24th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Manchester, 1983 / | 1 |
QH75.A1 B89 |
Buzzworm. Buzzworm's earth journal. |
2 |
QH75.A1 C66 1997 | Integrating social science and ecosystem management : a national challenge : proceedings of the Conference on Integrating Social Sciences and Ecosystem Management, Helen, GA, December 12-14, 1995 / | 1 |
QH75.A1 C665 |
Conservation biology. Conservation biology the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. |
2 |
QH75.A1 C6655 1994 | Conservation genetics / | 1 |