Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH95.57.B47 E36 2009 Ecosystem Barents Sea / 1
QH95.57.W48 W48 2005 White Sea : its marine environment and ecosystem dynamics influenced by global change / 1
QH95.57.W48 W48 2005eb White Sea its marine environment and ecosystem dynamics influenced by global change / 1
QH95.58 Biology of the Antarctic seas VIII
Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIX
Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean /
Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean
QH95.58 .A58 1998 Antarctic sea ice biological processes : interactions and variability / 1
QH95.58 .B54 2003 Biogeochemistry of the Ross Sea / 1
QH95.58 .B56 Biology of the Antarctic seas / 1
QH95.58 .B56 1994 Antarctic and subantarctic Pycnogonida : Ammotheidae and Austrodecidae /
Antarctic and subantarctic Pycnogonida Ammotheidae and Austrodecidae /
QH95.58 .B56 v.2 Biology of the Antarctic Seas XXI / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v.4 Biology of the Antarctic seas IV 1
QH95.58 .B56 v.5: 2  
QH95.58 .B56 v.5: 3  
QH95.58 .B56 v.5: 4  
QH95.58 .B56 v. 6, paper 4 QL391.A6  
QH95.58 .B56 v.7: 1 Systematics and morphology of the Antarctic cranchiid squid Galiteuthis glacialis (Chun) / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v.7: 2 Systematics and ecology of ciliated protozoa from King George Island, South Shetland Islands / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v. 7: 3 More planktonic isopod crustaceans from Subantarctic and Antarctic seas / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v. 7: 4 Calanoid copepods belonging to the families Aetideidae and Euchaetidae from Antarctic and subantarctic waters / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v. 8: 1 Morphology and distribution of species in the genus Pogonophryne (Pisces, Harpagiferidae) / 1
QH95.58 .B56 v. 8: 2-3 Nonasellote isopod Crustaceans from Anvers Island and other Antarctic locations / 1