Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK103 .A7 1963 Water plants : a study of aquatic angiosperms / 1
QK103 .D3 Marine botany ; an introduction / 1
QK103 .D75 1992 The Biology of Marine Plants / 1
QK103 .F453 1937 Recherches sur la végétation marine de la Méditerranée . La côte des Albères . 1
QK103 .H85 2000 Marine plants of Australia / 1
QK103 .L48 Marine algae : a survey of research and utilization / 1
QK105 .A73 Water plants : a study of aquatic angiosperms / 1
QK105 .C55 Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States / 1
QK105 .F3 A manual of aquatic plants / 1
QK105 .F3 1957 A manual of aquatic plants / 1
QK105 .F3 2006 A Manual of Aquatic Plants. 1
QK105 .M8 Aquatic plants of the United States / 1
QK105 .P7 How to know the aquatic plants / 1
QK105 .S48 2008eb Aquatic macrophyte risk assessment for pesticides 1
QK105 .S75 Aquatic plants of the Pacific Northwest : with vegetative keys / 1
QK105 .V44 1988 Vegetation of inland waters / 1
QK105 .W37 Water plants of the world : a manual for the identification of the genera of freshwater macrophytes / 1
QK108 .D36 2000eb Assessment of riparian vegetation and wildlife habitat structure north fork of the Gunnison River tributaries and lower Gunnison River tributaries / 1
QK108 .H8 1958 The amphi-atlantic plants and their phytogeolgraphical connections. 1
QK108 .N219 1927 The nature encyclopedia / 1