Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK495.G74 K8 1998 The grasses of Missouri / 1
QK495.G74 L33 2012 Studies in oat evolution a man's life with Avena / 1
QK495.G74 L64 2006 Grasses of the Texas Hill Country : a field guide / 1
QK495.G74 L66 1982 Prairie grasses identified and described by vegetative characters / 1
QK495.G74 M22 2014 Grasses of the Northeast : a manual of the grasses of New England and adjacent New York / 2
QK495.G74 M23 2007 Manual of grasses for North America / 1
QK495.G74 M23 2007eb Manual of grasses for North America 1
QK495.G74 M56 2002 Grasses : bromus to paspalum / 1
QK495.G74 M56 2002eb Grasses : bromus to paspalum / 1
QK495.G74 M563 2001 Grasses : Panicum to Danthonia / 1
QK495.G74 M563 2001eb Grasses : Panicum to Danthonia / 1
QK495.G74 M564 2003 Monograph on genus Oryza / 1
QK495.G74 M65 2022 Panicle architecture of rice and its relationship with grain filling / 1
QK495.G74 M67 2021 The Moso bamboo genome / 1
QK495.G74 N37 2000 Native warm-season grasses research trends and issues / 1
QK495.G74 O355 1999 The bamboos of the world : annotated nomenclature and literature of the species and the higher and lower taxa / 1
QK495.G74 O355 1999eb The bamboos of the world annotated nomenclature and literature of the species and the higher and lower taxa / 1
QK495.G74 P36 2021 Computer vision based identification and mosaic of gramineous grass seeds / 1
QK495.G74 P38 1995 Bromus L. of North America / 1
QK495.G74 P73 1978 How to know the grasses / 1