QK504 .N681 Heft 62
Karschia : revision einer Sammelgattung an der Grenze von lichenisierten und nichtlichenisierten Ascomyceten / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 63
Lower plants of the Indian subcontinent II : another collection of papers by Indian scientists. |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 65
Entoloma (Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 66
Revision of the Stigonemataceae with a summary of the classification of the blue-green algae / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 67
A revision of the genus Rhodocybe Maire (Agaricales) / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 68
Ultrastructure de la paroi cellulaire des Desmidiacées au microscope électronique à balayage / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 69
The agaric genera Lentinus, Panus, and Pleurotus, with particular reference to Malaysian species / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 70
The marine algae and coastal environment of tropical West Africa / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 71
Bryophyte taxonomy : methods, practices and floristic exploration : proceedings of the International Association of Bryologists Taxonomic Workshop Meeting, Genève, 27 Aug-2 Sept 1979 / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 72
North American species of Clitocybe / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 72, etc
North American species of Clitocybe / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 73
Diatomaceæ III : festschrift, Niels Foged, dedicated on the occasion of his 75th birthday / |
1 |
QK504 .N681 Heft 74
The genus Psilocybe : a systematic revision of the known species including the history, distribution, and chemistry of the hallucinogenic species / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 75
Ad Polyporaceas / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 75, etc
Ad Polyporaceas / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 76
The Gasteromycetes of China / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 77
The ectotrophically mycorrhizal fungi of the neotropical lowlands, especially Central Amazonia / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 78
Ad Polyporaceas / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 79
Festschrift J. Poelt : Beiträge zur Lichenologie / |
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QK504 .N681 Heft 80
Contributions to a monograph of the Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae / |
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