Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK602 .F85 1996 Fungal genetics : principles and practice / 1
QK602 .F86 2007eb Fungal Genomics / 1
QK602 .F86 2011 Fungal genomics methods and protocols / 1
QK602 .G328 2005eb Genes and genomics 1
QK602 .G45 2015eb Genetic transformation systems in fungi. 1
QK602 .G46 1985 Gene manipulations in fungi /
Gene manipulations in fungi
QK602 .M65 1985 Molecular genetics of filamentous fungi : proceedings of a UCLA symposium held in Keystone, Colorado, April 13-19, 1985 / 1
QK602 .M66 2002 Essential fungal genetics / 1
QK602 .M66 2002eb Essential fungal genetics 1
QK602 .M67 1991 More gene manipulations in fungi /
More gene manipulations in fungi
QK603 Fungi for human health current knowledge and future perspectives /
Environmental and microbial relationships /
Atlas of clinically important fungi /
Encyclopedia of mycology /
Developments in fungal biology and applied mycology /
Fungi as bioremediators
Fungal diversity, ecology and control management /
Advances in macrofungi : diversity, ecology and biotechnology /
The fungi. an advanced treatise /
Entangled life : how fungi make our worlds, change our minds & shape our futures /
Advanced microscopy in mycology /
Industrial applications /
The mycota. a comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research /
Advancing frontiers in mycology & mycotechnology : basic and applied aspects of fungi /
Recent trends in human and animal mycology /
Laboratory protocols in fungal biology : current methods in fungal biology /
Fungal associations /
Growth, differentiation and sexuality : a comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research /
Forest fungi : biodiversity, conservation, mycoforestry and biotechnology /
Progress in mycology biology and biotechnological applications /
Myconanotechnology : emerging trends and applications /
Biology of macrofungi /
QK603 .A A dictionary of the fungi / 1
QK603 .A383 2014eb Advances in botanical research. 1
QK603 .A48 2021 Advances in macrofungi : pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals / 1
QK603 .A5 1961 Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the fungi. 1
QK603 .A5 1983 Ainsworth & Bisby's dictionary of the fungi (including the lichens) 1
QK603 .A52 The fungi : an advanced treatise / 1
QK603 .A53 Introduction to the history of mycology / 1
QK603 .A53 1954 A dictionary of the fungi / 1
QK603 .A55 Introductory mycology / 1