Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK603 .C6 1964 The genera of fungi / 1
QK603 .C7 Fungi : their nature and uses / 1
QK603 .C8 1837a Icones fungorum hucusque cognitorum / 1
QK603 .D4 1984 Introduction to modern mycology / 1
QK603 .D4 2006 Fungal biology /
Fungal biology
QK603 .D82 1983 An introduction to fungi / 1
QK603 .D87 2006 The identification of fungi : an illustrated introduction with keys, glossary, and guide to literature / 1
QK603 .F66 2007eb Food mycology : a multifaceted approach to fungi and food / 1
QK603 .F8 1952 Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad normam methodi naturalis determinavit / 1
QK603 .F86 1983 Fungi 1
QK603 .F86 2005eb Fungal genomics 1
QK603 .F86 2012 Fungal associations 1
QK603 .F86 2023 Fungal resources for sustainable economy : current status and future perspectives / 1
QK603 .F9 1952 Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad normam methodi naturalis determinavit / 1
QK603 .F9 1952 Supp Elenchus fungorum : sistens commentarium in Systema mycologicum / 1
QK603 .F958 2016eb Fungi / 2
QK603 .F96 2015eb Fungi from different substrates /
Fungi from different substrates
QK603 .F97 2018 The fungal kingdom / 1
QK603 .G8 1937 The structure and development of the fungi / 1
QK603 .G83 1927 The structure & development of the Fungi / 1