Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK898.P677 P58 2001 Phytoliths : applications in earth sciences and human history / 1
QK898.P7 Pigments in fruits / 1
QK898.P7 F3713 1980 Pigments in plants / 1
QK898.P7 G67 1988 Plant pigments / 1
QK898.P7 G76 1987 Pigments in fruits / 1
QK898.P7 P43 1988 Plant pigments / 1
QK898.P7 P43 2018eb CRC handbook of chromatography. 1
QK898.P7 P54 2015eb Pigments in fruits and vegetables : genomics and dietetics / 1
QK898.P7 P55 2004 Plant pigments and their manipulation / 1
QK898.P7 S65 2010 Photoprotection in plants optical screening-based mechanisms / 1
QK898.P756 B56 1991 Biochemistry and physiology of polyamines in plants / 2
QK898.P76 Plant polymeric carbohydrates / 1
QK898.P76 K37 2012 Vegetable oil-based polymers properties, processing and applications / 2
QK898.P76 P53 1989 Plant cell wall polymers : biogenesis and biodegradation / 1
QK898.P76 W66 2005 Bio-based polymers and composites / 1
QK898.P76W66 2005 QK898.P76 QK898.P76 W66 2005eb Bio-Based Polymers and Composites. 1
QK898.P76 W66 2005eb Bio-based polymers and composites / 2
QK898.P76 W67 2001 Plant Biopolymer Science : Food and Non-Food Applications.
Plant biopolymer science : food and non-food applications /
Plant biopolymer science food and non-food applications /
QK898.P764 Natural polyphenols from wood tannin and lignin -an industrial perspective /
Polyphenols in human health and disease /
Recent advances in polyphenol research.
Polyphenols in plants : isolation, purification and extract preparation /
Polyphenols : properties, recovery, and applications /
Polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) in plants /
Polyphenols : prevention and treatment of human disease.
Plant Polyphenols : Synthesis, Properties, Significance /
Polyphenols and the Mediterranean diet
Polyphenols in plants isolation, purification and extract preparation /
Application of polyphenols in foods and food models
Non-extractable polyphenols and carotenoids : importance in human nutrition and health /
QK898.P764 B56 2011 The biological activity of phytochemicals 1