Call Number (LC) Title Results
QK900.2 .S77 1985 Structure and functioning of plant populations 2 : phenotypic and genotypic variation in plant populations / 1
QK900.4 .R47 1992 Elsevier's dictionary of terrestrial plant ecology : English-Spanish and Spanish-English / 1
QK900.7 .V43 Vegetation history and archaeobotany. 1
QK900.73.G3 C58 1990 Nature as the laboratory : Darwinian plant ecology in the German Empire, 1880-1900 / 1
QK901 Plant strategies : the demographic consequences of functional traits in changing environments /
Modern Trends in Applied Terrestrial Ecology
Vegetation structure and function at multiple spatial, temporal and conceptual scales /
Quantitative plant ecology.
Air pollution impacts on plants in East Asia /
Plant disturbance ecology the process and the response /
Ecology of World Vegetation /
Vegetation ecology
Methods in Comparative Plant Ecology : a laboratory manual /
Ecometabolomics metabolic fluxes versus environmental stoichiometry /
Phytobiomes current insights and future vistas /
World vegetation types
Biogeography : a study of plants in the ecosphere /
QK901 .A37 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment.
QK901 .A58 Angewandte Pflanzensoziologie : Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Angewandte Pflanzensoziologie des Landes Kärnten. 1
QK901 .A72 1995 Ecology of world vegetation / 1
QK901 .A8 1969 Introduction to plant ecology. 2
QK901 .A84 1986 Aspekte der Geobotanik : biosystematische Oekologie und Floristik, genetische Oekologie und Populationsbiologie, physiologische Oekologie, Vegetationskunde, Standortskunde, Oekosystemlehre : Festschrift Elias Landolt = Aspects of geobotany : biosystematic ecology and floristics, genetic ecology and population biology, physiological ecology, vegetation science, soil science and site conditions analysis, ecosystem science : dedicated to Professor Dr. Elias Landolt to his 60th birthday / 1
QK901 .B34 Introduction to physiological plant ecology / 1
QK901 .B345 Terrestrial plant ecology / 2
QK901 .B345 1999 Terrestrial plant ecology / 1
QK901 .B5 Plants and the ecosystem / 1
QK901 .B5 1970 Plants, man, and the ecosystem / 1
QK901 .B63 Field studies in ecology / 1
QK901 .B65 Pflanzensoziologie : grundzüge vegetationskunde / 1
QK901 .B65 1951 Pflanzensoziologie : Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 1
QK901 .B652 1965 Plant sociology : the study of plant communities / 1
QK901 .C33 1988 An introduction to vegetation analysis : principles, practice, and interpretation / 1