Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL1 .C15 vol. 66 no. 1 Seasonal activity and ecology of the avifauna of an American equatorial cloud forest. 1
QL1 .C15 vol.66, no.1 Seasonal activity and ecology of the avifauna of an American equatorial cloud forest. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 66 no. 2 Biosystematics of sibling species of flycatchers in the Empidonax hammondii - oberholseri - wrightii complex. 1
QL1 .C15 vol.66, no.2 Biosystematics of sibling species of flycatchers in the Empidonax hammondii - oberholseri - wrightii complex. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 67 A quantitative evaluation of the benthic fauna off Point Richmond, California. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 67 no. 1 Rainbow trout in Mexico and California : with notes on the cutthroat series / 1
QL1 .C15 vol.67, no.1 Rainbow trout in Mexico and California : with notes on the cutthroat series / 1
QL1 .C15 vol.67, no.2 An analysis of intraspecific variation in the kangaroo rat Dipodomys merriami. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 67 no. 2 An analysis of intraspecific variation in the kangaroo rat Dipodomys merriami. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 67 no. 3 A quantitative evaluation of the benthic fauna off Point Richmond, California. 1
QL1 .C15 vol.67, no.3 A quantitative evaluation of the benthic fauna off Point Richmond, California. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 67 no. 4 The biology of the euryhaline fish Leptocottus armatus armatus Girard (Cottidae) 1
QL1 .C15 vol.67, no.4 The biology of the euryhaline fish Leptocottus armatus armatus Girard (Cottidae) 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 68 A revised classification of the blennioid fishes of the American family Chaenopsidae. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 69 The behavior of heteromyid rodents. 1
QL1 .C15 vol.69 The behavior of heteromyid rodents. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 70 Geographic variation in the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 71 Population ecology, water relations, and social behavior of a southern California semidesert rodent fauna. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 72 Biological observations on the foraminifer Spiroloculina hyalina Schulze. 1
QL1 .C15 vol. 73 Evolution of nest-building in the weaverbirds (Ploceidae) / 1