QL1 .S54 no. 362
Palaemonid shrimps from the Amazon basin, Brazil (Crustacea:Decapoda:Natantia) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 363
Porcellanid crabs from the coasts of Mexico and Central America (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 364
The shrimp genus Atya (Decapoda: Atyidae) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 365
Prodromus of the fossil avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 366
Morphological similarities between the Menurae and the Rhinocryptidae, relict passerine birds of the Southern Hemisphere / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 367
Pacific Plate biogeography, with special reference to shorefishes / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 368
Five new species of Nannosquilla from the northwestern Atlantic (Crustacea, Stomatopoda) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 370
Millieriinae : a new subfamily of Choreutidae, with new taxa from Chile and the United States (Lepidoptera:Sesioidea) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 371
Rutidermatidae of the Continental Shelf of southeastern North America and the Gulf of Mexico : (Ostracoda, Myodocopina) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 372
Revision of foxiphalus and eobrolgus (crustacea, amphipoda, phoxocephalidae) from American oceans / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 373
Systematics of the Neotropical characoid genus Curimatopsis (Pisces:Characoidei) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 375
The Platyischnopidae of America (Crustacea, Amphipoda) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 377
Studies of neotropical caddisflies, XXXIII : new species from South America (Trichoptera) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 378
Phylogenetic relationships of the families Curimatidae, Prochilodontidae, Anostomidae, and Chilodontidae (Pisces, Characiformes) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 379
The Ostracode family Cypridinidae and the genus Pterocypridina / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 380
Taxonomy and distribution of the stomioid fish genus Eustomias (Melanostomiidae), I : subgenus Nominostomias / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 381, etc
The caridean shrimps (Crustacea--Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. |
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QL1 .S54 no. 382
Cymothoidae from fishes of Kuwait (Arabian Gulf) (Crustacea, Isopoda) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 383
New species of Dantya from the Indian Ocean (Ostracoda, Sarsiellidae, Dantyinae) / |
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QL1 .S54 no. 384
The Atya-like shrimps of the Indo-Pacific region (Decapoda, Atyidae) / |
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