Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL366 .G76 Growth of protozoa / 1
QL366 .G813 Protozoology: with 15 tab
Protozoology: with 15 tab /
QL366 .H28 Protozoa : the simplest of all animals / 1
QL366 .H3 Protozoology. 1
QL366 .H43 Big fleas have little fleas; or, Who's who among the protozoa / 1
QL366 .I4 1985 An illustrated guide to the protozoa / 1
QL366 .I5 1961 Progress in protozoology : proceedings / 1
QL366 .I5 1993 Progress in protozoology : proceedings of the IX International Congress of Protozoology, Berlin, 1993 / 1
QL366 .J3 How to know the Protozoa : a pictured-key for identifying the more common fresh water, marine, and parasitic Protozoa, with elementary discussions of the importance of each group and of interesting facts concerning them / 1
QL366 .J34 1949 How to know the Protozoa : a pictured-key for identifying the more common fresh water, marine, and parasitic Protozoa, with elementary discussions of the importance of each group and of interesting facts concerning them / 1
QL366 .J6 The journal of eukaryotic microbiology. 1
QL366 .K8 Handbook of protozoology / 1
QL366 .K8 1939 Protozoology / 1
QL366 .K8 1946 Protozoology / 1
QL366 .K8 1966 Protozoology / 1
QL366 .L26 1992 Protozoan plankton ecology / 2
QL366 .L864 1932 Recherches biochimiques sur la nutrition des protozoaires ; le pouvoir de synthèse. 1
QL366 .M28 An introduction to the study of protozoa / 1
QL366 .M3 1968 Introduction to protozoology / 1
QL366 .N38 1988 Protozoa and their role in marine processes / 2