Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QL391.N4 A555 E1978 | Atlas of helminths (strongylata) of domestic and wild ruminants of Khazakhstan = Atlas gelmintov (strongilyat) sel'skokhozyaistvennykh i dikikh zhvach kazakhstana / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B3 | A synopsis of the families and genera of Nematoda / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B55 2002 | The biology of nematodes / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B56 1971 | The structure of nematodes / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B56 1971eb | The structure of nematodes | 1 |
QL391.N4 B56 1991 | The structure of nematodes / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B56 2002eb | The biology of nematodes | 1 |
QL391.N4 B57 1991 | The structure of nematodes | 1 |
QL391.N4 B68 1899 | Die Entwickelung von Ascaris megalocephala mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Kernverhältnisse / | 1 |
QL391.N4 B77 2003 | In the beginning was the worm : finding the secrets of life in a tiny hermaphrodite / | 2 |
QL391.N4 C2 1997 | C. elegans II / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C23 2015 | C. elegans : methods and applications / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C265 2005 | Bionomics and identification of the genus Rotylenchus (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C34 2012 |
Caenorhabditis elegans cell biology and physiology / Caenorhabditis elegans : cell biology and physiology / |
2 |
QL391.N4 C3616 | Studies on taxonomy, biology, and ecology of nematodes associated with jute crop | 1 |
QL391.N4 C3619 2014 | Systematics of the sheath nematodes of the superfamily Hemicycliophoroidea / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C3623 1950 | An introduction to nematology / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C64 1983 | Concepts in nematode systematics / | 2 |
QL391.N4 C745 1971 | The behaviour of nematodes : their activity, senses, and responses / | 1 |
QL391.N4 C97 2018 | Cyst nematodes / | 1 |