Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL495 .P5 Photoperiodic Regulation of Insect and Molluscan Hormones. 1
QL495 .P5 1984eb Photoperiodic regulation of insect and molluscan hormones 1
QL495 .P55 Physiological entomology. 1
QL495 .P75 Insect flight. 1
QL495 .R2813 1982 Insect neurohormones / 2
QL495 .R29 1989 Recent developments in insect neurohormones / 1
QL495 .R58 The physiology of Insecta. 1
QL495 .R58 1973 The physiology of Insecta. 1
QL495 .R6 Insect physiology / 1
QL495 .R925 2002eb Insect chemoreception fundamental and applied / 1
QL495 .S28 1976 Insect clocks 1
QL495 .S28 1982 Insect clocks / 1
QL495 .S28 2002 Insect clocks / 1
QL495 .S28 2002eb Insect clocks 1
QL495 .T37 1986 Seasonal adaptations of insects / 1
QL495 .T43 1984 Techniques in pheromone research / 2
QL495 .T67 Insect neurobiology / 1
QL495 .T7 The physiology of the insect central nervous system : papers / 1
QL495 .U64 1986 Molecular entomology : proceedings of a Monsanto-UCLA Symposium held in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, April 6-13, 1986 / 1
QL495 .W48 1970b Insect hormones / 1