Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL668.E2 L298 2008 Malformed frogs : the collapse of aquatic ecosystems / 1
QL668.E2 L94 1971 Evolutionary relationships, osteology, and zoogeography of leptodactyloid frogs / 1
QL668.E2 M3 1891 The frog : an introduction to anatomy, histology, and embryology / 1
QL668.E2 M32 1997 Frogs / 2
QL668.E2 M33 1987 Frogs & toads of the world / 1
QL668.E2 M33 2011 Frogs and toads of the world / 1
QL668.E2 M56 1975eb A laboratory guide to frog anatomy / 1
QL668.E2 M6 The common frog / 1
QL668.E2 N53 Taxonomic studies on the mouth parts of larval Anura / 1
QL668.E2 P28 1934a A monograph of the frogs of the family Microhylidae / 1
QL668.E2 P36 1997 Flashy fantastic rain forest frogs / 1
QL668.E2 P525 1994 From tadpole to frog / 2
QL668.E2 P53 1994 Tracking the vanishing frogs : an ecological mystery / 3
QL668.E2 R494 2003 Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Anura / 1
QL668.E2 R494 2003eb Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Anura /
Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Anura
QL668.E2 R625 1994 Guide to the frogs of the Iquitos region, Amazonian Peru / 1
QL668.E2 S2 The ecology and life history of the common frog : (Rana temporaria temporaria) 1
QL668.E2 S36 1960 Frogs and toads / 1
QL668.E2 S68 2000 A plague of frogs : the horrifying true story / 1
QL668.E2 S737 2000 A plague of frogs : the horrifying true story / 1