Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL669 .N6 1954 The biology of the amphibia. 1
QL669 .R45 Krankheiten der Amphibien / 1
QL669 .R58 Osteology of the reptiles. 1
QL669 .R84 1951a The frog : its reproduction and development / 1
QL669.2 The Amphibian visual system a multidisciplinary approach / 1
QL669.2 .B73 1986 Ecophysiology of desert reptiles / 1
QL669.2 .B74 1997 Homeostasis in desert reptiles / 1
QL669.2 .E36 1992 Ecotoxicity of chemicals to amphibians / 1
QL669.2 .E58 1992 Environmental physiology of the amphibians / 1
QL669.2 .F69 1984 Amphibian morphogenesis / 1
QL669.2 .H42 2007 Hearing and sound communication in amphibians / 1
QL669.2 .H42 2007eb Hearing and sound communication in amphibians 1
QL669.2 .I58 1987 The forebrain of reptiles : current concepts of structure and function / 1
QL669.2 .I59 1987 Visuomotor coordination : amphibians, comparisons, models, and robots / 1
QL669.2 .I59 1987eb Visuomotor coordination : amphibians, comparisons, models, and robots / 1
QL669.2 .M66 Physiology of the amphibia
Physiology of the amphibia,
Physiology of the amphibia /
QL669.2 .M85 2003 Multiple stressor effects in relation to declining amphibian populations / 1
QL669.2 .P49 1976eb Physiology of the amphibia 1
QL669.2 .R44 1985 Regulation of vertebrate limb regeneration / 1
QL669.2 .S48 2000 Amphibian metamorphosis : from morphology to molecular biology / 1