Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL671 .A476 Biographies of members of the American Ornithologists' Union / 1
QL671 .A78 Audubon field notes. 1
QL671 .A83 The Audubon magazine / 1
QL671 .A922 The Audubon bulletin.
The Audubon annual bulletin /
QL671 .B5 Audubon magazine.
Bird lore.
QL671 .B54 Resident bird counts. 1
QL671 .B55 Birder's world. 1
QL671 .B85 Ornithologische Mitteilungen. 1
QL671 .C3 Abstract of the proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia. 1
QL671 .C4 Centzontle : revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ornitología. 1
QL671 .C7 The condor.
Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.
QL671 .C74 The condor.
Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.
QL671 .C87 Current ornithology. 1
QL671 .C87 v.17 Current ornithology. 1
QL671 .G7 1990 The Audubon ark : a history of the National Audubon Society / 2
QL671 .I12 The Ibis. 1
QL671 .I7 Proceedings of the International Ornithological Congress. 1
QL671 .J61 2 Festschrift, Ernst Hartert zum siebzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet / 1
QL671 .J68 Journal of field ornithology. 1
QL671 .J8 Journal of ornithology /
Journal für Ornithologie.