Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL676.57.M628 I46 1994 Important bird areas in the Middle East / 1
QL676.57.N7 A75 2000 Restoring North America's birds : lessons from landscape ecology / 1
QL676.57.N7 A75 2002 Restoring North America's Birds : Lessons from Landscape Ecology / 1
QL676.57.N7 A75 2002eb Restoring North America's birds : lessons from landscape ecology / 2
QL676.57.N7 W45 2007 Birder's conservation handbook : 100 North American birds at risk / 1
QL676.57.N7 W45 2007eb Birder's conservation handbook : 100 North American birds at risk /
Birder's conservation handbook 100 North American birds at risk /
QL676.57.T76 C66 2011 Conservation of tropical birds / 2
QL676.7 .C65 1988 Birds to watch : the ICBP world checklist of threatened birds / 2
QL676.7 .C65 1994 Birds to watch 2 : the world list of threatened birds : the official source for birds on the IUCN red list / 1
QL676.7 .C96 1988 Key forests for threatened birds in Africa / 1
QL676.7 .G58 1996 Globally threatened birds in Europe : action plans / 1
QL676.7 .G7 1967 Extinct and vanishing birds of the world / 1
QL676.7 .H33 Where is that vanished bird? : An index to the known specimens of the extinct and near extinct North American species. 1
QL676.7 .H34 Vanishing birds : their natural history and conservation / 1
QL676.7 .H38 1986 Bird conservation in the Pacific Islands / 1
QL676.7 .H57 2013 The world's rarest birds / 1
QL676.7 .H57 2013eb The world's rarest birds / 1
QL676.7 .I25 1985 The ICBP/IUCN red data book. 1
QL676.7 .I25 1985 pt.2 Threatened birds of the Americas : the ICBP/IUCN red data book, third edition, part 2 / 1
QL676.7 .K56 1981 Endangered birds of the world, the ICBP bird Red data book /
Endangered birds of the world : the ICBP bird Red data book /