Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL684.F6 S781 1985 Checklist of Florida's birds / 1
QL684.F6 W47 1965 A survey of the birdlife of northwestern Florida / 1
QL684.G4 B5 Birds of Georgia : a preliminary check-list and bibliography of Georgia ornithology / 1
QL684.G4 B8 Georgia birds / 1
QL684.H3 Belonging on an island : birds, extinction, and evolution in Hawaiʻi / 3
QL684.H3 B47 1981 Hawaiian birdlife / 1
QL684.H3 C66 2009 Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds : implications for island avifauna / 1
QL684.H3 E96 2001 Evolution, ecology, conservation, and management of Hawaiian birds : a vanishing avifauna / 1
QL684.H3 F67 1986 Forest bird communities of the Hawaiian Islands : their dynamics, ecology, and conservation / 1
QL684.H3 H37 1990 Seabirds of Hawaii : natural history and conservation / 1
QL684.H3H37 1990 Seabirds of Hawaii : Natural History and Conservation. 1
QL684.H3 P73 1987  
QL684.I3 C37 1999 A birder's guide to the Chicago Region / 1
QL684.I5 B68 1986 Birds of the Indiana Dunes / 1
QL684.I5 K44 1986 Indiana birds and their haunts : a checklist and finding guide / 2
QL684.I5 M86 1984 The birds of Indiana / 1
QL684.I6 B58 1992 Iowa birdlife / 1
QL684.I6B58 1992 Iowa Birdlife. 1
QL684.I6 B58 1992eb Iowa birdlife / 2
QL684.I6 J33 1996eb The Iowa breeding bird atlas / 1