Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL696.A5 P45 American waterfowl : their present situation and the outlook for their future / 1
QL696.A5 P51 1926 Bibliography of a natural history of the ducks / 1
QL696.A5 R34 Evolution of diving adaptations in the stifftail ducks / 1
QL696.A5 R77 The Canada geese of southeastern Colorado / 1
QL696.A5 S347 The mandarin duck / 1
QL696.A5 S348 A literature review on the role of invertebrates in a waterfowl management / 1
QL696.A5 S36 1957 A coloured key to the wildfowl of the world / 1
QL696.A5 .S37 Key to the wildfowl of the world / 1
QL696.A5 S64 Prairie ducks : a study of their behavior, ecology, and management / 1
QL696.A5 S85 1986 Characteristics of duck populations in the intermountain parks of Colorado / 1
QL696.A5 S86 1979 Management and biology of Pacific flyway geese : a symposium, 16 February 1979, Portland, Oregon / 1
QL696.A5 T6 Waterfowl : ducks, geese & swans of the world / 2
QL696.A5 V33 The world of the Canada goose / 1
QL696.A5 W47 Honker : a discussion of the habits and needs of the largest of our Canada geese / 1
QL696.A5 W47 1982 First western hemisphere waterfowl and waterbird symposium : [proceedings of the International Waterfowl Research Bureau symposium held in Edmonton, 25-28 May 1982, a special publication / 1
QL696.A5 W48 The ways of wildfowl / 1
QL696.A5 W76 High tide and an east wind : the story of the black duck / 1
QL696.A52 Ecology and conservation of North American sea ducks / 2
QL696.A52 A42 Breeding biology and behavior of the oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis L.) / 1
QL696.A52 A43 1999 A review of the status of greater and lesser scaup in North America 1