Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL696.A52 D832 2005 Ducks, geese and swans / 1
QL696.A52E Ecology and Management of Breeding Waterfowl. 1
QL696.A52 E34 1992 Ecology and management of breeding waterfowl / 1
QL696.A52 E5 The order for swannes
This is the ordinaunce for the conseruation and keping of the Quenes Maiesties swannes and sygnettes, and of the Lordes spirituall and temporall, and of her Commons within the counties of Lincolne, Northampton, Rutland, Huntyngton, and Cambridge, and the liberties & fraunchyse of the same and for the conseruacion of fyshe and fowle, with the assissing of all maner of nettes within the sayde counties and liberties of the same.
QL696.A52 F52 2002 The snow geese : a story of home / 1
QL696.A52 G33 1986 Canada geese : managing the comeback / 1
QL696.A52 G38 1987 A simulation model for the Greater Snow Goose population / 1
QL696.A52 G38 2001 Bioenergetics and nutrition of Mississippi Valley population Canada geese during winter and migration / 1
QL696.A52 G66 1986 Ducks of North America and the northern hemisphere / 2
QL696.A52 G67 1997 Synthesizing nature-nurture : prenatal roots of instinctive behavior / 1
QL696.A52 G67 1997eb Synthesizing nature-nurture : prenatal roots of instinctive behavior / 1
QL696.A52 G68 1991 Status report on the harlequin duck, (eastern population), Histrionicus histrionicus, in Canada / 1
QL696.A52 H33 1985 Effects of weather on breeding ducks in North Dakota / 1
QL696.A52 H34 1984 The trumpeter swan : a white perfection / 1
QL696.A52 H56 1978 Ducks at a distance : a waterfowl identification guide / 1
QL696.A52 H595 2020 With wings extended : a leap into the wood duck's world / 1
QL696.A52 H68 1985 Wildfowl / 2
QL696.A52 H6813 1991 Here am I--where are you? : the behavior of the greylag goose / 1
QL696.A52 J62 Ducks, geese, and swans of the world / 1
QL696.A52 J62 1978 Ducks, geese, and swans of the world / 1