Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL696.F34 M35 1989 The pilgrim and the cowboy / 3
QL696.F34 O37 1988 The rites of autumn : a falconer's journey across the American West / 1
QL696.F34 P4y, 1988 Peregrine falcon populations : their management and recovery / 1
QL696.F34 .P67 2005 The gyrfalcon / 1
QL696.F34 R37 The peregrine falcon / 2
QL696.F34 S28 1992 Peregrine falcons / 2
QL696.F34 S5 1983 Behavior of fledgling peregrines / 1
QL696.F34 T3 1984 Rapport sur la situation du faucon pèlerin (Falco peregrinus) au Québec / 1
QL696.F34 T46 1992 Flight of the falcon / 1
QL696.F34 V5 1990 The kestrel / 1
QL696.F34 W34 Eleonora's falcon : adaptations to prey and habitat in a social raptor / 2
QL696.F34 W42 1985 Falcon propagation : a manual on captive breeding / 1
QL696.F34 W74 1991 Documentation of active peregrine falcon nest sites / 1
QL696.F34 W837 1998 Documentation of active peregrine falcon nest sites / 1
QL696.F36 G48 2001 Return of the osprey : a season of flight and wonder / 3
QL696.F36 G485 2007 Soaring with Fidel : an osprey odyssey from Cape Cod to Cuba and beyond / 2
QL696.F36 P65 2019 Ospreys : the revival of a global raptor / 2
QL696.F36 P66 1989 Ospreys : a natural and unnatural history / 2
QL696.F7 B3 no. 9 The red crossbills of Colorado / 1
QL696.G2 Ecology and management of gamebirds / 1