Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL696.G86 Z54 2010eb Australian bustard / 1
QL696.G876 A55 1985a  
QL696.G876 B87 1994 Shadowbirds : a quest for rails / 2
QL696.G876 E22 1989 Biology of the Yuma clapper rail in the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico : final report / 1
QL696.G876 T39 1998 Rails : a guide to the rails, crakes, gallinules and coots of the world / 1
QL696.L3 T5 1961 The herring gull's world : a study of the social behavior of birds / 1
QL696.L3 T53 Signals for survival
Signals for survival /
QL696.L7 E5 North American shore birds ; a history of the snipes, sandpipers, plovers and their allies, inhabiting the beaches and marshes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the prairies and the shores of the inland lakes and rivers of the North American continent / 1
QL696.L7 G65 1986 Eskimo curlew : a vanishing species? / 1
QL696.L7 M4 The ecology and management of the American woodcock : by Howard L. Mendall, Clarence M. Aldous. 1
QL696.L7 S4 The geographical distribution of the family Charadriidae, or the plovers, sandpipers, snipes, and their allies / 1
QL696.L7 S5 The book of the American woodcock / 1
QL696.P2 Songbird Behavior and Conservation in the Anthropocene. 1
QL696.P2 A75 2007 Birds of Europe, Russia, China, and Japan : passerines : tyrant flycatchers to buntings / 1
QL696.P2 A89 1988 Speciation and geographic variation in black-tailed gnatcatchers / 1
QL696.P2 B25 Finches and soft-billed birds / 2
QL696.P2 B757 2001 Wrens, dippers, and thrashers / 1
QL696.P2 C48 2006 Songbird journeys : four seasons in the lives of migratory birds / 1
QL696.P2 C5 The warblers of North America / 1
QL696.P2 C54 2001 Sunbirds : a guide to the sunbirds, flowerpeckers, spiderhunters, and sugarbirds of the world / 1