Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL696.P262 S86 1988 The Sparrows : a study of the genus Passer / 1
QL696.P263 S345 2023 The wingsnappers : lessons from an exuberant tropical bird / 1
QL696.P264 The sparrows : a study of the genus Passer / 1
QL696.P264 A527 2006 Biology of the ubiquitous house sparrow : from genes to populations / 1
QL696.P264 B46 The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves : Passeriformes) / 1
QL696.P264 P39 Behavior, mimetic songs and song dialects, and relationships of the parasitic indigobirds (vidua) of Africa / 1
QL696.P264 S86 1988 The sparrows : a study of the genus Passer / 1
QL696.P264 S95 A Symposium on the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and European tree sparrow (P. montanus) in North America / 1
QL696.P266 D38 1992 Dunnock behaviour and social evolution / 1
QL696.P2675 F75 2004 The bowerbirds : Ptilonorhychidae / 1
QL696.P2675 R69 2008 Bowerbirds / 1
QL696.P268 S28 1982a Habitat suitability index models pine warbler / 1
QL696.P275 M258 1998 The nuthatches / 1
QL696.P275 M38 1998 The nuthatches / 1
QL696.P278 Mocking bird technologies : the poetics of parroting, mimicry, and other starling tropes / 1
QL696.P278 C66 1925 Spread of the European starling in North America / 1
QL696.P278 F424 1998 Starlings and mynas / 1
QL696.P278 L57 1992 Parent-offspring conflict and its resolution in the European starling / 1
QL696.P279 S54 2001 Sylvia warblers / 1
QL696.P282 B43 2006 Tanagers, cardinals, and finches of the United States and Canada : the photographic guide / 1