Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL713.2 .M354 2001 Marine mammals : biology and conservation / 1
QL713.2 .M37 Mammals of the oceans / 1
QL713.2 .M37 2023 Marine mammals : a deep dive into the world of science / 1
QL713.2 .M373 2002 Marine mammal biology : an evolutionary approach / 1
QL713.2 .N37 2005eb Marine mammal populations and ocean noise : determining when noise causes biologically significant effects / 1
QL713.2 .N69 2003 Walker's marine mammals of the world / 1
QL713.2 .O24 2003 Ocean noise and marine mammals / 1
QL713.2 .O28 2003eb Ocean noise and marine mammals / 1
QL713.2 .O77 1989 Marine mammals of California / 1
QL713.2 .O77 RevEd  
QL713.2 .O78 1988 A guide to marine mammals of greater Puget Sound / 1
QL713.2 .P66 2015eb Diving physiology of marine mammals and seabirds / 2
QL713.2 .R53 Mammals of the sea; biology and medicine.
Mammals of the sea : biology and medicine /
QL713.2 .S33 A natural history of marine mammals / 1
QL713.2 .S55 2006 Whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals of the world / 1
QL713.2 .S9566 1999 Marine mammal survey and assessment methods : proceedings of the Symposium on Surveys, Status & Trends of Marine Mammal Populations : Seattle, Washington, USA, 25-27 February 1998 / 1
QL713.2 .T685 2003 Toxicology of marine mammals / 1
QL713.2 .T685 2003eb Toxicology of marine mammals / 1
QL713.2 .U532 Annual report to Congress / 1
QL713.2 .U56 Administration of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 1