Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL737.C23 S298 The Serengeti lion : a study of predator-prey relations / 1
QL737.C23 S349 1992 Kingdom of lions / 2
QL737.C23 S36 1986 Cranial variation in the bobcat (Felis rufus) from Texas and surrounding states / 1
QL737.C23 S467 1992 Seminar on the Biology and Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis silvestris) : Nancy, France, 23-25 September 1992 = Séminaire sur la biologie et la conservation du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris) : Nancy, France, 23-25 septembre 1992. 1
QL737.C23 S49 1999 ShadowCat : encountering the American mountain lion / 1
QL737.C23 S52 1989 Soul among lions : the cougar as peaceful adversary / 1
QL737.C23 S52 1989eb Soul among lions : the cougar as peaceful adversary / 1
QL737.C23 S53 1983 Mountain lion field guide / 1
QL737.C23 S58 1992 The situation, conservation needs and reintroduction of lynx in Europe : 17 to 19 October 1990, Neucĥtel, Switzerland, Faculté de Lettres, University of Neuchâtel. 1
QL737.C23 S582 2012eb Snow leopard : stories from the roof of the world / 1
QL737.C23 S5837 2020 Humans and lions : conflict, conservation and coexistence / 1
QL737.C23 S63 2016 Snow leopards / 1
QL737.C23 S73 1994 Status and conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Europe and around the Mediterranean rim / 1
QL737.C23 S7353 Introducing the cat family / 1
QL737.C23 S767 1997 Cougars / 1
QL737.C23 S86 1988 Tiger moon / 2
QL737.C23 S862 2014eb The wild cat book / 1
QL737.C23 S863 2002 Wild cats of the world / 1
QL737.C23 T39 1994eb The lion and the savannah / 1
QL737.C23 T46975 2008 The secret life of tigers / 1