Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL737.P96 E83 2004eb The evolution of thought : evolutionary origins of great ape intelligence / 2
QL737.P96 E87 2014eb Extractive industries and ape conservation / 1
QL737.P96 F3 1986 Use of time and resources by provisioned troops of monkeys : social behaviour, time and energy in the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus L.) at Gibraltar / 1
QL737.P96 F47 The first signs of Washoe 1
QL737.P96 F86 2005 Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse.
Functional dimensions of ape-human discourse /
QL737.P96 G353 2005 Great ape odyssey / 1
QL737.P96 G356 1999 Orangutan odyssey / 2
QL737.P96 G47 2007 The gestural communication of apes and monkeys / 1
QL737.P96 G52 2009 The gibbons new perspectives on small ape socioecology and population biology / 1
QL737.P96 G55 1988 East of the Mountains of the Moon : chimpanzee society in the African forest / 1
QL737.P96 G584 1989 The chimpanzee family book / 1
QL737.P96 G5848 2001 The chimpanzees I love : saving their world and ours / 1
QL737.P96 G585 1986 The chimpanzees of Gombe : patterns of behavior / 2
QL737.P96 G587 1971 In the shadow of man / 1
QL737.P96 G587 1971b In the shadow of man / 1
QL737.P96 G587 1988b In the shadow of man / 2
QL737.P96 G587 2000 In the shadow of man / 2
QL737.P96 G588 1998 With love / 2
QL737.P96 G59 2003 Gorilla biology : a multidisciplinary perspective / 1
QL737.P96 G59 2003eb Gorilla biology : a multidisciplinary perspective / 2