Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL81 .A88 The Audubon wildlife treasury / 2
QL81 .B9 1859 Curiosities of natural history, 1
QL81 .B912 1948 Buckland's curiosities of natural history : a selection / 1
QL81 .H27 1964 A source book in animal biology. 1
QL81 .H3 Studies honoring Trevor Kincaid. 1
QL81 .H45 Wild things / 1
QL81 .K53 2016eb  
QL81 .O86 Zoological sketches: a contribution to the out-door study of natural history / 1
QL81 .R5 Livro jubilar do professor Lauro Travassos : editado para commemorar o 25̊ anniversario de suas actividades scientificas (1913-1938) 1
QL81 .S52 1901 A watcher in the woods / 1
QL81 .S53 Wild life near home / 1
QL81 .T35 1922 The haunts of life / 1
QL81.5 .C65 1984 Conservation and wildlife management in Africa : the proceedings of a workshop organized by the U.S. Peace Corps at Kasungu National Park, Malawi, October 1984 / 1
QL81.5 .C66f 1984 Conservation and wildlife management in Africa the proceedings of a workshop organized by the U.S. Peace Corps at Kasungu National Park, Malawi, October 1984 / 1
QL81.5 .E52 The endangered species : a symposium [held at Brigham Young University, 7-8 December 1978] 1
QL81.5 .I56 International wildlife.
International wildlife
QL81.5 .O3 no.7 Polar bears : proceedings of the Tenth Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group, October 25-29, 1988, Sochi, USSR / 1
QL81.5 .O79 Oryx. 1
QL81.5 .S96 1986 Symposium International, Manaus (Amazonie), Bresil, 4 et 5 Avril 1986 : statut de conservation du jaguar = conservation status of the jaguar : gestion de la faune sauvage en forêt néotropicale humide = wildlife management in neotropical moist forest. 1
QL81.5 .T73 2010 Trade-offs in conservation : deciding what to save / 1