Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL83.2 .H5 Care of the wild feathered & furred; a guide to wildlife handling and care,
Care of the wild feathered & furred : a guide to wildlife handling and care /
QL83.2 .S77 1986 The stranding of dugongs and sea turtles resulting from Cyclone Kathy, March 1984 : a report on the rescue effort and the biological data obtained / 1
QL83.4 Rewilding European landscapes /
Reintroduction of fish and wildlife populations /
Creative Conservation : Interactive management of wild and captive animals /
QL83.4 .B49 1991 Beyond captive breeding : re-introducing endangered mammals to the wild : the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological Society of London on 24th and 25th November 1989 / 1
QL83.4 .C73 1994 Creative conservation : interactive management of wild and captive animals / 1
QL83.4 .D43 1991 Meant to be wild : the struggle to save endangered species through captive breeding / 2
QL83.4 .J47 2020 Rewilding : the radical new science of ecological recovery. 1
QL83.4 .M66 2014 Feral : rewilding the land, the sea, and human life / 1
QL83.4 .P38 1997 Back to the wild / 2
QL83.4 .P74 2023 Tenacious beasts : animals back from the brink / 1
QL83.4 .R445 2012eb  
QL83.4 .R49 2019 Rewilding / 2
QL83.4 .R68 2022 Routledge handbook of rewilding / 1
QL83.4 .S63 2017 Wild by nature : North American animals confront colonization / 1
QL83.4 .S63 2017eb Wild by nature : North American animals confront colonization / 1
QL84 The history and evolution of the North American wildlife conservation model
Threatened species /
Beyond the North American model of wildlife conservation from lethal to compassionate conservation /
QL84 .B47 1990 Wild echoes : encounters with the most endangered animals in North America / 2
QL84 .B47 1991 Wild echoes : encounters with the most endangered animals in North America / 1
QL84 .B47b 1990 Wild echoes : encounters with the most endangered animals in North America / 1
QL84.I4 A74 1973b Tiger Haven / 1