Call Number (LC) Title Results
QM21 .F15 The embryological treatises of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente : The formation of the egg and of the chick (De formatione ovi et pulli) The formed fetus (De formato foetu) 1
QM21 .G163 Galen on anatomical procedures = Peri anatomikōn encheirēseōn = De anatomicis administrationibus / 1
QM21 .G163 1999eb Galen on anatomical procedures = Peri anatomikōn encheirēseōn = De anatomicis administrationibus / 1
QM21 .G52 1688 The anatomy of human bodies epitomized wherein all the parts of man's body, with their actions and uses, are succinctly describ'd, according to the newest doctrine of the most accurate and learned modern anatomists / 2
QM21 .G52 1697 The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized wherein all the parts of man's body with their actions and uses are succinctly described according to the most accurate and learned modern anatomists /
The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized. Wherein all the parts of man's body with their actions and uses are succinctly described, according to the most accurate and learned modern anatomists /
QM21 .H313 Lectures on the whole of anatomy : an annotated translation of Prelectiones anatomiae universalis / 1
QM21 .H38 Anthropōlogia, or, A philosophic discourse concerning man being the anatomy both of his soul and body : wherein the nature, origin, union, immaterality, immortality, extension, and faculties of the one and the parts, humours, temperaments, complexions, functions, sexes, and ages respecting the other are concisely delineated / 2
QM21 .I67 1559 Interiorum corporis humani partium viva delineatio perutilis anatomes interiorum muliebris partium cognitio ac earundem situs, figura numerus, positio, hand iniucounda cognitu.
The anatomie of the inward parts of woman, very necessary to be knowne to physitians, surgians, and all other that desire to know themselues.
QM21 (INTERNET) The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man containing the enumeration, and description of the parts of the same, which usually are shewed in the publike anatomicall exercises. Enlarged and more methodically digested into 6. books. /
A profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body
The historie of man sucked from the sappe of the most approued anathomistes, in this present age, compiled in most compendious fourme, and now published in English, for the vtilitie of all godly chirurgians, within this realme /
A description of the body of man Together vvith the controuersies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius. /
An introduction into phisycke wyth an vniuersal dyet /
The anatomy of humane bodies with figures drawn after the life by some of the best masters in Europe and curiously engraven in one hundred and fourteen copper plates : illustrated with large explications containing many new anatomical discoveries and chirurgical observations : to which is added an introduction explaining the animal œconomy : with a copious index /
The Englishemans treasure, or, Treasor for Englishmen vvith the true anatomye of mans body /
The anatomy of human bodies, comprehending the most modern discoveries and curiosities in that art to which is added a particular treatise of the small-pox & measles : together with several practical observations and experienced cures ... /
QM21 .K26 1983 Leonardo da Vinci's elements of the science of man / 1
QM21 .K85163 2016 Kaitai shinsho / 1
QM21 .L49 Leonardo da Vinci on the human body : the anatomical, physiological, and embryological drawings of Leonardo da Vinci / 1
QM21 .M37 1964 El atlas anatómico de Crisóstomo Martínez, grabador y microscopista del siglo XVII / 1
QM21 .M37 2018 The Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius : a worldwide descriptive census, ownership, and annotations of the 1543 and 1555 editions / 1
QM21 .P49 1681 Parerga anatomica et medica septem, ratione ac experientia parentibus concepta & edita. 1
QM21 .P75 2017eb Principles of anatomy according to the opinion of Galen by Johann Guinter and Andreas Vesalius / 2
QM21 .R4513 A survey of the microcosme, or, The anatomy of the bodies of man and woman wherein the skin, veins, arteries, nerves, muscles, bones, and ligaments thereof are accurately delineated, and so disposed by pasting, as that each part of the said bodies, both inward and outward, are exactly represented. : Useful for all physicians, chyrurgeons, statuaries, painters, &c. / 1
QM21 .S94 1964 Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Anatomie im Mittelalter : speziell der anatomischen Graphik nach Handschriften des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts / 1
QM21 .T875 1654 Mikrokosmographa. A description of the little-world, or, body of man, exactly delineating all the parts according to the best anatomists. With the severall diseases thereof. Also their particular and most approved cures. / 1
QM21 .T93 1699a Orang-outang : sive, Homo Sylvestris; or, The anatomy of a pygmie: a facsimile / 1