Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP141 .B5 Undernutrition in steers ; its relation to metabolism, digestion, and subsequent realimentation / 1
QP141 .B52 1995 Advanced nutrition / 1
QP141 .B52 2000 Advanced nutrition : macronutrients / 1
QP141 .B523 2011 CRC desk reference for nutrition
CRC Desk Reference for Nutrition
QP141 .B55 1939a Teaching nutrition in biology classes : an experimental investigation of high school biology pupils in their study of the relation of food to physical well-being / 1
QP141 .B56 1953 Biochemistry and physiology of nutrition. 1
QP141 .B57 2000 Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition / 1
QP141 .B75 Biochemistry and physiology of nutrition / 1
QP141 .B76 1952eb The principles of nutrition for practitioners and students / 1
QP141 .B79 1980 A comprehensive review of nutrition / 1
QP141 .B8 The nutrition of a household / 1
QP141 .B853 1994 Nutritional biochemistry / 1
QP141 .B853 1999 Nutritional Biochemistry.
Nutritional biochemistry /
QP141 .B853 1999eb Nutritional biochemistry 1
QP141 .B99 1955 Nutrition sourcebook. 1
QP141 .C28 2003eb Discovering nutrition / 1
QP141 .C43 2019 Textbook of nutrition in health and disease / 1
QP141 .C5 Nutrition / 1
QP141 .C5 1939 Nutrition / 1
QP141 .C5 1943 Nutrition / 1