Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP147 .A66 2008 Appetite and food intake : behavioral and physiological considerations / 1
QP147 .A66 2017 Appetite and food intake : central control / 1
QP147 .F44 1986 Feeding behavior neural and humoral controls / 1
QP147 .H36 1989 Handbook of the psychophysiology of human eating / 1
QP147 .L4 1991 Neurobiology of feeding and nutrition 1
QP147 .L4 1992 Neurobiology of feeding and nutrition / 1
QP147 .N48 1990 Neurobiology of food and fluid intake / 1
QP147 .N48 2004 Neurobiology of food and fluid intake / 1
QP148 .M575 2011 Motor function of the pharynx, esophagus, and its sphincters 1
QP149 Oral processing and consumer perception : biophysics, food microstructures and health / 1
QP149 .F44 1991 Feeding and the texture of food /
Feeding and the Texture of Food /
QP149 .I57 1976 Oral Physiology and occlusion an international symposium / 1
QP149 .N48 1999 Neurobiology of mastication : from molecular to systems approach / 1
QP151 Russische Errungenschaften in der Physiologie der Verdauung Vom späten 19. bis zum beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert.
Biomechanics of the human stomach
Mechanisms and Consequences of Proton Transport /
QP151 .A23 Studies on the inhibitory nervous control of gastric motility / 1
QP151 .B39 1929a Experiments and observations on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion. / 1
QP151 .B4 Experiments and observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestion 1
QP151 .C68 De fermento, volatili nutritio conjectura rationalis quâ ostenditur spiritum volatilem oleosum, è sanguine suffusum : esse verum ac genuinum concoctionis as nutritionis instrumentum ... / 2
QP151 .C94 1986 An introduction to rumen studies 1
QP151 .D43 2001 The capsaicin- and helicobacter strains-induced cellular mechanisms of the gastric mucosa in animals and humans / 1