Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP251 .L4213 Human fertility : the basic components / 1
QP251 .L43 A baby is born : the story of how life begins / 1
QP251 .L45 Die puberta⁺tsdru⁺se und ihre wirkungen : fu⁺r biologen und a⁺rzte / 1
QP251 .L56 2005 The case of the female orgasm : bias in the science of evolution / 1
QP251 .L58 1998 Comparative vertebrate reproduction / 1
QP251 .L68 2011 Sex, stress and reproductive success /
Sex, stress and reproductive success
QP251 .L87 1976 Différenciation sexuelle : table ronde organisée à l'occasion du centenaire de la Société zoologique de France / 1
QP251 .M25 The key to sex control, or, The cellular determination of sex and the physiological laws which govern its control / 1
QP251 .M278 1987 Made to order : the myth of reproductive and genetic progress / 1
QP251 .M2785 1987 Man-made women : how new reproductive technologies affect women / 1
QP251 .M3 1922 The physiology of reproduction / 1
QP251 .M32 1952 Marshall's physiology of reproduction / 1
QP251 .M32 1984 Marshall's Physiology of reproduction. 1
QP251 .M35 Human sexual response / 1
QP251 .M35 2014eb God's babies natalism and Bible interpretation in modern America / 2
QP251.M353 B7 An analysis of Human sexual response / 1
QP251 .M36 Sex determination and sexual differentiation in the fowl. 1
QP251 .M413 The earthly Venus / 1
QP251 .M417 1994 The sex imperative : an evolutionary tale of sexual survival / 3
QP251 .M417 1994eb The sex imperative : an evolutionary tale of sexual survival / 1