Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP303 .O67 1997eb Optical measurement methods in biomechanics 2
QP303 .O75 1999 Neuronal control of locomotion : from mollusc to man /
Neuronal control of locomotion from mollusc to man /
QP303 .O95 1991 Fundamentals of biomechanics : equilibrium, motion, and deformation / 1
QP303 .O95 1999 Fundamentals of biomechanics : equilibrium, motion, and deformation / 1
QP303 .P25 1989 Anatomy and human movement structure and function / 1
QP303 .P25 1994 Anatomy and human movement : structure and function /
Anatomy and human movement structure and function /
QP303 .P25 1998 Anatomy and human movement : structure and function / 1
QP303 .P25 2006 Anatomy and human movement : structure and function / 1
QP303 .P26 1989 Anatomy and human movement / 1
QP303 .P43 2013 Pediatric injury biomechanics archive & textbook / 1
QP303 .P46 1992 The kinesiology workbook / 1
QP303 .P465 1997 Perspectives of motor behavior and its neural basis / 1
QP303 .P47 1989 Perspectives on the coordination of movement / 1
QP303 .P47 1989eb Perspectives on the coordination of movement 1
QP303 .P57 Patterns of human motion : a cinematographic analysis / 1
QP303 .P58 2011 Biomechanics for life introduction to sanomechanics / 1
QP303 .R33 1971 Kinesiology and applied anatomy : the science of human movement /
Kinesiology and applied anatomy; the science of human movement
QP303 .R33 1989 Kinesiology and applied anatomy / 2
QP303 .R44 1979eb Reflex control of posture and movement proceedings of an IBRO symposium held in Pisa, Italy, on September 11-14, 1978 / 1
QP303 .R58 1992 Biomechanics : problem solving for functional activity / 2