Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP356 .G28 Fiziologicheskie metodiki issledovaniia vyssheĭ nervnoĭ deiatel'nosti / 1
QP356 .G3 1958 Physiological bases of psychiatry. 1
QP356 .G47 Biological foundations of emotion : research and commentary / 1
QP356 .G54 2011 Neurokinetics the dynamics of neurobiology in vivo / 1
QP356 .G65 2013 Presence of mind in neurophysiological processes / 1
QP356 .G68 Neural physiopathology : some relationships of normal to altered nervous system activity / 1
QP356 .G7 Living with stress / 1
QP356 .H34 Genetic neurobiology / 1
QP356 .H36 2007eb Handbook of neurochemistry and molecular neurobiology. 1
QP356 .H4 The biology of mind / 1
QP356 .H6 Pacemakers in relation to aspects of behavior / 1
QP356 .I54 2000 Integrated human brain science : theory, method, application (music) / 1
QP356 .I57 1960 Nervous Inhibition : proceedings / 1
QP356 -- I57 2015eb Cognitive aging : progress in understanding and opportunities for action / 1
QP356 .J68 Journal of computational neuroscience. 1
QP356 .K6 Neurochemistry / 1
QP356 .K8 1951 Visceral innervation and its relation to personality. 1
QP356 .L37 Biogenetic structuralism / 1
QP356 .L4 2007 Neuroethics / 2
QP356 .L45 1972 Nervous system theory : an introductory study / 1