Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP356 .C35 1986 The river that flows uphill : a journey from the Big Bang to the Big Brain / 1
QP356 .C45 1985 Cell culture in the neurosciences / 1
QP356 .C455 2001 Cellular and molecular neurobiology / 1
QP356 .C46 1991 Cellular neurobiology : a practical approach / 1
QP356 .C4713 2012 The good, the true, and the beautiful : a neuronal approach / 1
QP356 .C48 1992 The computational brain / 1
QP356 .C48 1992eb The computational brain /
The computational brain
QP356.C48 2017 The Computational Brain. 1
QP356 .C48 2017eb The computational brain / 2
QP356 .C485 2007 Neurophilosophy at work / 1
QP356 .C485 2007eb Neurophilosophy at work / 1
QP356 .C66 2004 Coordination dynamics : issues and trends / 1
QP356 .C66 2004eb Coordination dynamics : issues and trends / 1
QP356 .C73 2007 Explaining the brain : mechanisms and the mosaic unity of neuroscience / 1
QP356 .C73 2007eb Explaining the brain : mechanisms and the mosaic unity of neuroscience / 2
QP356 .C87 1983 Current methods in cellular neurobiology / 1
QP356 .D24 1991 Exploring brain functions : models in neuroscience : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exploring Brain Functions: Models in Neuroscience, Berlin, 1991 September 29-October 4 / 1
QP356 .D3 Set and muscular tension / 1
QP356 .E44 Neurochemistry : the chemical dynamics of brain and nerve / 1
QP356 .E47 Emotional stress : physiological and psychological reactions, medical, industrial, and military implications / 1