Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP376 .L563 2013eb The Unpredictable Species : What Makes Humans Unique / 2
QP376 .L565 2006 Lifespan development and the brain : the perspective of biocultural co-constructivism / 1
QP376 .L565 2006eb Lifespan development and the brain : the perspective of biocultural co-constructivism / 2
QP376 .L577 2007 The accidental mind / 1
QP376 .L6213 1993 Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology / 1
QP376 .L68 1983 The sphinx and the rainbow : brain, mind, and future vision /
The sphinx and the rainbow : brain, mind and future vision /
QP376 .L79 Development and plasticity of the brain : an introduction / 1
QP376 .L813 Human brain and psychological processes / 1
QP376 .L93 1997 The brain without oxygen / 1
QP376 .L93 2003 The brain without oxygen : causes of failure--physiological and molecular mechanisms for survival / 1
QP376 .L93 2003eb The brain without oxygen causes of failure--physiological and molecular mechanisms for survival / 1
QP376 .L96 2008 Big brain : the origins and future of human intelligence / 1
QP376 .M155 A triune concept of the brain and behaviour / 1
QP376 .M18 1987 Neural and brain modeling / 1
QP376 .M18 1987eb Neural and brain modeling 1
QP376 .M185 1990 The triune brain in evolution : role in paleocerebral functions / 1
QP376 .M19 Macromolecules and behaviour. : Lectures and proceedings of the international symposium held at the University of Birmingham Medical School in March 1971 to mark the visit of its first Arthur Thomson visiting professor, Holger Hydén ... /
Macromolecules and behavior. Lectures and proceedings of the international symposium held at the University of Birmingham Medical School in March 1971 to mark the visit of its first Arthur Thomson visiting professor, Holger Hydén ...
QP376 .M28 1958 The waking brain. 1
QP376 .M28 1963 The waking brain. 1
QP376 .M36 2009 Mammalian brain development 1