Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP376 .W752 2016 Adolescent brain development / 2
QP376 .W8 The machinery of the brain / 1
QP376 .W84 1990 The Workings of the brain : development, memory, and perception : readings from Scientific American magazine / 1
QP376 .Y69 Programs of the brain : based on the Gifford lectures, 1975-7 / 2
QP376 .Y87 2010eb Dendritic spines /
Dendritic spines
QP376 .Y97 1992 Understanding the brain and its development : a chemical approach / 1
QP376 .Z39 2009 Splendors and miseries of the brain : love, creativity, and the quest for human happiness / 1
QP376 .Z555 2004 Soul made flesh : the discovery of the brain-- and how it changed the world / 1
QP376 .Z555 2011eb More brain cuttings : further explorations of the mind / 1
QP376 eBook Un cerebro a medida / 1
QP376 ebook ¡La naturaleza humana!
Cerebro y motricidad : funciones sensoriomotrices /
El cerebro altruista : por qué somos naturalmente buenos /
Grandes mitos del cerebro /
Think tank : cuarenta neurocientíficos exploran las raíces biológicas de la experiencia humana /
QP376 QM511 Concepts and challenges in retinal biology a tribute to John E. Dowling / 1
QP376.5 Designing EEG experiments for studying the brain : design code and example datasets /
Matching Pursuit and Unification in EEG Analysis.
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces : Cognitive Analysis and Control Applications /
Detection of Change : Event-Related Potential and fMRI Findings /
QP376.5 .B37 1993 The electroencephalogram : its patterns and origins / 1
QP376.5 .B376 1998 Brain function and oscillations / 1
QP376.5 .B73 1989 Brain dynamics : progress and perspectives / 1
QP376.5 .B735 2009 Brain signal analysis : advances in neuroelectric and neuromagnetic methods / 1
QP376.5 .B735 2009eb Brain signal analysis : advances in neuroelectric and neuromagnetic methods /
Brain signal analysis advances in neuroelectric and neuromagnetic methods /
QP376.5 .C66 1991 Proceedings of the Conference on Measuring Chaos in the Human Brain : April 3-5, 1991, at the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL / 1
QP376.5 .C667 1996 Continuous wave-form analysis / 1