Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP517.C45 T69 1997 Toxins and signal transduction / 1
QP517.C45 T73 1990 Transmembrane signalling, intracellular messengers, and implications for drug development / 1
QP517.C45 T73 2004  
QP517.C45 T736 1998 Transmembrane signaling protocols /
Transmembrane signaling protocols
QP517.C45 T736 2006 Transmembrane signaling protocols /
Transmembrane signaling protocols
QP517.C45 T96 2007 Two-component signaling systems. 1
QP517.C45 W55 1996 Intracellular signal transduction : the JAK-STAT pathway /
Intracellular signal transduction the JAK-STAT pathway /
QP517.C45 W57 2008 Wnt signaling. 2
QP517.C45 W58 2018eb WNT signaling in health and disease / 1
QP517.C49 Biological Electron Transfer Chains: Genetics, Composition and Mode of Operation /
Protein electron transfer /
QP517.C49 C48 1997 Charge transfer complexes in biological systems / 1
QP517.C49 E43 1992 Electron and proton transfer in chemistry and biology / 1
QP517.C49 K89 1995 Charge transfer in physics, chemistry and biology : physical mechanisms of elementary processes and an introduction to the theory / 1
QP517.C49 L66 2004 Long-range charge transfer in DNA / 1
QP517.C49 N38 1997 Biological electron transfer chains : genetics, composition, and mode of operation / 1
QP517.C49 P76 1996 Protein electron transfer / 1
QP517.C54 B56 1985 Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence : instruments and applications / 1
QP517.C54 C36 1988 Chemiluminescence : principles and applications in biology and medicine / 1
QP517.C54 I57 1990 Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence : current status : proceedings of the VIth International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Cambridge, September 1990 / 1
QP517.C54 I57 1993 Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence : status report : proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Banff, March 1993 / 1