Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP535.F4 .B474 2017eb Biomimetic Function of Iron Sulfur Clusters with Alternative Ligands : Model Studies Using Synthetic Analogues. 1
QP535.F4 B75 2019eb Brain iron metabolism and CNS diseases / 1
QP535.F4 C75 1991 Inorganic biochemistry of iron metabolism / 1
QP535.F4 C75 2001 Inorganic biochemistry of iron metabolism : from molecular mechanisms to clinical consequences / 1
QP535.F4 C75 2001eb Inorganic biochemistry of iron metabolism from molecular mechanisms to clinical consequences / 1
QP535.F4 C75 2009 Iron metabolism : from molecular mechanisms to clinical consequences / 1
QP535.F4 E43 1981 Iron and life / 1
QP535.F4 E54 1991 Iron and your health : facts and fallacies / 1
QP535.F4 I76 2012 Iron physiology and pathophysiology in humans 1
QP535.F4 I76 2014 Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and Biology.
Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and Biology
QP535.F4 I7628 1994 Iron metabolism in health and disease / 1
QP535.F4 I763 1989 Iron in immunity, cancer and inflammation / 1
QP535.F4 I7635 1999eb  
QP535.F4 I7637 2006eb Iron nutrition in plants and rhizospheric microorganisms 1
QP535.F4 I76383 2017 Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and Biology. 1
QP535.F4 I764 1999 Iron metabolism : inorganic biochemistry and regulatory mechanisms / 1
QP535.F4 M54 2000 Iron, nature's universal element : why people need iron & animals make magnets / 2
QP535.F4 M654 2002 Molecular and cellular iron transport / 1
QP535.F4 N37 1979 Iron / 2
QP535.F4 N8 1982 Nutritional bioavailability of iron / 1