Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP551 .P75673 2008eb Proteomics in practice a guide to successful experimental design / 1
QP551 .P7568 Proteomics reviews. 1
QP551 .P75685 2008eb Proteomics sample preparation 1
QP551 .P7568513 2008 Proteomics : introduction to methods and applications / 1
QP551 .P7569 2005 Proteomics today : protein assessment and biomarkers using mass spectrometry, 2D electrophoreses, and microaray technology /
Proteomics today : protein assessment and biomarkers using mass spectrometry, 2D electrophoresis, and microarray technology /
QP551 .P7569 2005eb  
QP551 .P7585 2015 Protein arginylation : methods and protocols / 1
QP551 .P759 1984 The Protein folding problem / 1
QP551 .P76 1950eb Protein and amino acid requirements of mammals 1
QP551 .P76 1954 The proteins. chemistry, biological activity, and methods / 2
QP551 .P76 1963 The proteins. composition, structure, and function / 1
QP551 .P76 1964 The proteins. composition, structure, and function / 1
QP551 .P76 1965 The proteins. composition, structure, and function / 1
QP551 .P76 1966 The proteins. composition, structure, and function / 1
QP551 .P76 1976 Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology. 1
QP551 .P76 1989eb Protides of the biological fluids : proceedings of the thirty-sixth colliquium, 1989 / 1
QP551 .P76 2000eb Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology. 1
QP551 .P76 2003eb Protein structure : determination, analysis and applications for drug discovery / 1
QP551 .P76 2004 Protein crystallography in drug discovery /
Protein microarray technology /
QP551 .P76 2006 Proteomics for biological discovery / 1