Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP751 .L552 1988 Lipid peroxidation in biological systems / 1
QP751 .L553 1982 Lipid peroxides in biology and medicine / 1
QP751 .L553 2009 Lipidomics / 1
QP751 .L5553 2009 Lipidomics. methods and protocols / 2
QP751 .L55557 2006eb Lipids and atherosclerosis 1
QP751 .L55558 1986 Lipids and membranes : past, present, and future : in honour of Laurens L.M. van Deenen / 1
QP751 .L55559 1988 Lipids and related compounds 1
QP751 .L556 1986 Lipids : chemistry, biochemistry, and nutrition / 1
QP751 .L5565 2003 Lipids for functional foods and nutraceuticals 1
QP751 .L557 1987 Lipids in modern nutrition / 1
QP751 .L56 Lipids. 1
QP751 .L56 2004 Lipobiology / 1
QP751 .L56 2022 Lipid oxidation in food and biological systems : a physical chemistry perspective / 1
QP751 .L57 1999 Lipids in health and nutrition / 1
QP751 .L57 2012 Lipidomics : technologies and applications /
QP751 .L57 2013 Lipid-protein interactions methods and protocols /
Lipid-protein interactions : methods and protocols /
QP751 .L57 2013eb Lipid droplets / 1
QP751 .L57 2014eb Liposomes, lipid bilayers and model membranes : from basic research to application / 2
QP751 .L57 2015 Lipid oxidation in health and disease /
Lipid oxidation in health and disease
QP751 .L57 2015eb Lipids and skin health /
Lipids in protein misfolding /