Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP84 .H34 2001 Life span motor development / 1
QP84 .H34 2005 Life span motor development / 1
QP84 .H35 2006 Size matters : how height affects the health, happiness, and success of boys--and the men they become / 2
QP84 .H36 2012 Handbook of growth and growth monitoring in health and disease 1
QP84 .H76 Human growth /
Human growth
QP84 .H76 1986 Human growth : a comprehensive treatise / 1
QP84 .H76 1986eb Human growth : a comprehensive treatise. 1
QP84 .H785 2002 Human growth and development / 1
QP84 .H8 1993 Problems of relative growth / 1
QP84 .H86 Human growth and development
Human growth and development /
QP84 .H86 2002eb Human growth and development 1
QP84 .I55 1982 Human growth and development / 1
QP84 .I55 1982eb Human growth and development / 1
QP84 .K36 1993 The human odyssey : life-span development / 1
QP84 .L646 1996 Long-term consequences of early environment : growth, development, and the lifespan developmental perspective / 1
QP84 .L65 Papers on regulation of gene activity during development. 1
QP84 .L78 1971 Biological rhythms in human and animal physiology. 2
QP84 .L79 Body time; physiological rhythms and social stress. 1
QP84 .M36 1987 Stature and stigma : the biopsychosocial development of short males / 1
QP84 .M4 Mechanisms of ageing and development. 1