Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP86 .S29 2002 Physical change & aging : a guide for the helping professions / 1
QP86 .S29 2015 Physical change & aging : a guide for the helping professions / 1
QP86 .S296 2021 Physical Change and Aging, Seventh Edition A Guide for Helping Professions. 1
QP86 .S356 1997 Aging and human longevity
Aging and human longevity /
QP86 .S48 1987 Physical activity and aging / 1
QP86 .S5 Perspectives in experimental gerontology : a festschrift for Doctor F. Verzár / 1
QP86 .S56 2015 Human ageing : a unique experience : implications for the disease concept / 1
QP86 .S57 2018 Silver shades of grey : memos for successful ageing in the 21st century / 1
QP86 .S64 1989 Biology of human aging / 1
QP86 .S65 1995 Physical dimensions of aging / 2
QP86 .S65 2005 Physical dimensions of aging / 1
QP86 .S66 1996 Some aspects of the aging process 1
QP86 .S76 1987 Neuroimmunomodulation : interventions in aging and cancer / 1
QP86 .S86 1984 Molecular biology of aging / 2
QP86 .S88 1976 Nutrition, longevity, and aging proceedings of a Symposium on Nutrition, Longevity, and Aging, held in Miami, Florida, February 26-27, 1976 /
Nutrition, longevity, and aging : proceedings of a Symposium on Nutrition, Longevity, and Aging, held in Miami, Florida, February 26-27, 1976 /
QP86 .S9 1974 Theoretical aspects of aging : [proceedings] /
Theoretical aspects of aging [proceedings] /
QP86 .S93 1965 Topics in the biology of aging : a symposium held at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, California, November 4-6, 1965, under contract with the aging program of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Public Health Service / 1
QP86 .T34 2008 Telomeres and telomerase in aging, disease, and cancer : molecular mechanisms of adult stem cell ageing / 2
QP86 .T35 1983 Testing the theories of aging / 2
QP86 .T47 1985 Thresholds in aging / 1