Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP87 .H45 Death as a fact of life. 2
QP87 .I83 1993 Death to dust : what happens to dead bodies? / 1
QP87 .I83 1994 Death to dust : what happens to dead bodies? / 1
QP87 .M33 2007 Brain death a reappraisal /
Brain death : a reappraisal /
QP87 .P68 2000 Beyond brain death : the case against brain based criteria for human death / 1
QP87 .S2 1982 Recollections of death : a medical investigation / 1
QP87 .S43 2006 The evolution of death : why we are living longer / 1
QP87 .S43 2006eb The evolution of death : why we are living longer / 1
QP87 .S58 Brain death : a bibliography with key-word and author indexes / 1
QP87 .V65 2002 What is death? : a scientist looks at the cycle of life / 1
QP88 Mechano-electric correlations in the human physiological system /
Tissue barriers in disease, injury and regeneration /
Tissue culture: methods and applications
Structure-based mechanics of tissues and organs /
Handbook of tissue optical clearing : new prospects in optical imaging /
Mechanical properties of human tissues /
Mueller-matrix tomography of biological tissues and fluids digital image processing and analysis techniques /
Innovations in molecular mechanisms and tissue engineering /
Material parameter identification and inverse problems in soft tissue biomechanics /
QP88.A1 T5 Tissue & cell. 1
QP88 .A38eb vol. 3 Retinoids their physiological function and therapeutic potential / 1
QP88 .A44 1989 Tissue engineering, 1989 / 1
QP88 .A5 Blood and other body fluids / 1
QP88 .B49 Biochemical responses to environmental stress.
Biochemical responses to environmental stress /
QP88 .B55 Tissue respiration in invertebrates : [by] Dorothy E. Bliss [and] Dorothy M. Skinner. 1
QP88 .B56 2018 Biomechanics of Soft Tissues : Principles and Applications. 2
QP88 .B69 Tentamen porologicum, sive, Ad porositatem corporum tum solidorum, detegendam 2
QP88 .C3 Essentials of tissue culture technique / 1