Call Number (LC) Title Results
QP99.3.O9 O934 1988 Oxygen transfer from atmosphere to tissues / 1
QP99.3.O9 .O936 Oxygen transport to tissue. 1
QP99.3.O9 O939 1987 Oxygen transport to tissue IX / 1
QP99.3.O9 O9399 2003aeb Oxygen transport to tissue XXVI 1
QP99.3.O9 O9399 2006eb Oxygen transport to tissue XXVII 1
QP99.3.O9 O99 2011 Oxygen and the evolution of life 1
QP99.3.O9 P387 2016 Regulation of tissue oxygenation / 2
QP99.3.O9 P53 1972a An experimental determination of the average scattering and absorption cross sections of human red blood cells for near infrared light / 1
QP99.3.O9 U834 1999 The use of human red blood cells for preparation of oxygen carrying substances : recommendation no. R (98) 10 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council on 18 September 1998, and explanatory memorandum. 1
QP99.3.P5 R47 1985 Respiratory pigments in animals : relation, structure-function / 1
QP99.3.P7 The plasma proteins. 1
QP99.3.P7 B38 1996 Primate phylogeny from a human perspective : a study based on the immunological technique of comparative determinant analysis (CDA) / 1
QP99.3.P7 B69 1993 Hepatic plasma proteins mechanisms of function and regulation / 1
QP99.3.P7 H86 2008 Human blood plasma proteins : structure and function / 1
QP99.3.P7 H86 2008eb Human Blood Plasma Proteins Structure and Function.
Human blood plasma proteins : structure and function /
QP99.3.P7 .L863 2013 Biotechnology of plasma proteins / 2
QP99.3.P7 P53 1977 The plasma proteins. structure, function, and genetic control / 1
QP99.3.P7 P53 1984 The plasma proteins. structure, function, and genetic control / 1
QP99.3.P7 P53 1987 The plasma proteins. structure, function, and genetic control / 1
QP99.3.P7 P54 1976a Plasma protein turnover 1