Call Number (LC) Title Results
QR189.5.V5 V33 2015eb Vaccines for latent viral infections / 1
QR201 Vascular responses to pathogens /
The Making of Modern Anthrax, 1875-1920 : Uniting Local, National and Global Histories of Disease.
Emerging and reemerging viral pathogens.
Influenza : current research /
QR201.A16 Acinetobacter baumannii : methods and protocols /
Acinetobacter : microbiology, epidemiology, infections, management /
QR201.A16 A26 2008 Acinetobacter molecular microbiology / 1
QR201.A37 HIV protocols /
Human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase : a bench-to-bedside success /
Materialities of sex in a time of HIV : the promise of vaginal microbicides /
Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection : Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy /
HIV-1 latency /
HIV protocols
QR201.A37 A36 1999 HIV and the new viruses / 1
QR201.A37 A36 1999eb HIV and the new viruses 1
QR201.A37 A55 1993 Animal models of HIV and other retroviral infections / 1
QR201.A37 B56 2007 The biology of dendritic cells and HIV infection / 1
QR201.A37 B56 2007eb The biology of dendritic cells and HIV infection 1
QR201.A37 .C374 2016 The HIV Monologues. 1
QR201.A37 C45 1995 Cell activation and apoptosis in HIV infection : implications for pathogenesis and therapy / 2
QR201.A37 C456 2002eb Cellular aspects of HIV infection 1
QR201.A37 C48 2002 Chemokine receptors and AIDS / 1
QR201.A37 .C667 2017 Consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV / 1
QR201.A37 C98 1992 Cytotoxic T cells in HIV and other retroviral infections / 1
QR201.A37 H547 2011 HIV-1 integrase : mechanism and inhibitor design / 1
QR201.A37 H547 2011eb HIV-1 integrase : mechanism and inhibitor design / 2
QR201.A37 H55 1995 HIV : a practical approach / 1
QR201.A37 H58 2008eb HIV-I : molecular biology and pathogenesis clinical applications / 1